I’m in a season of my life where I just want so many things. I feel like I just can’t help but constantly focus on all of my wants. I’ve started to realize that no matter how many more things I want and get, they still never satisfy….so I keep wanting more, and the cycle continues, and somehow God gets left out of all of it. I’m gonna say a prayer, and maybe you’ll want to say it with me. Maybe you’re feeling the same way. Maybe you’re feeling like your heart is full of all of the wrong things. Maybe you feel exhausted and dissatisfied. So if you do, you can insert your own desires and pour your heart out to God with me.
Dear Jesus,
My heart is full but it’s not satisfied. I have so many wants and desires. I want super close friends. I want to find the one who I’m supposed to be with. I want everything to always be smooth-sailing. I want a major that I’m passionate about. I want constant peace in all things. I want to know what my future is going to look like. I want to have the perfect body. I want my injuries to be completely healed. I want people to know me and look up to me. I want to be good at everything I do. I want so many things. I probably want things that I don’t even know that I want. I want so many things, and I’m sorry for wanting so much. I’m sorry for wanting all of these things more than I want you. God, I’m sorry for wanting so much and not letting all that you are be enough for me. Would you just come and satisfy all of those wants? Would you replace my selfish desires with the desires of your heart for me Lord? Would you fill my heart with you so fully that I can’t help but exude your joy and radiate your love? I pray that I would never be so prideful to think I could exude YOUR love and joy without you. I pray that instead of relying on my own strength, I would be humbly dependent on you. Instead of me creating my own power, I pray that I would have a spirit of humility so your glory and power could rest on my shoulders so that others can see you through me.
I hope this encourages you today 🙂
With love,
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. – 2 Corinthians 12:9
Noel D Petersen
Thank you Sarah. A beautiful way to share your heart LOVE YOU!